Fried Fish with Tamarind Recipe (Pla Tod)

                                                 Fried Fish with Tamarind Recipe
                                                            (Pla Tod)


1 whole fish, about 1 kg (2 lb)
Lard for frying
3 cloves garlic, crushed
3 tablespoons soy sauce
1 tablespoon palm sugar or substitute
2 tablespoons fish sauce
4 tablespoons tamarind liquid
1 tablespoon finely shredded fresh ginger
3 spring onions, cut into bite-size pieces
3 tablespoons chopped fresh coriander leaves
3 fresh red chilies, sliced

Cooking Procedure:

Buy fish cleaned and scaled, complete with head. Trim fins and tail, wipe out cavity with kitchen paper dipped in salt, wash and dry well. Fry the fish in hot lard until brown on both sides, but do not over-cook. Drain on absorbent paper, cover fish with foil and keep warm.

Pour off all but a tablespoon of the lard and on low heat fry the garlic until starting to brown. Immediately add the soy sauce, sugar, fish sauce and tamarind liquid and bring to the boil. Add ginger and spring onions and cook for 1 minute. Spoon the sauce over the fish and serve garnished with coriander leaves and chilies, as an accompaniment to white rice. Serves 4-6

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