Spinach with Sesame Seed Dressing Recipe

                                            Spinach with Sesame Seed Dressing

This dish is very simple-just boil spinach and add soy sauce, sugar and sesame.

* 200 g fresh spinach
* 3 tablespoons white sesame seeds
* 1 tablespoon soy sauce
* 2 teaspoons sugar
Cooking Procedure:
* Cut off the stems of the spinach and wash.
* Fill a medium-size pan with water. Bring to a boil and add the spinach.
* After boiling, drain the spinach, and immediately immerse in cold water to keep the green color.
* Parch the sesame seeds over medium-high heat until they crackle and pop.
* Put them in an earthenware mortar (suribachi) or food processor and crush. Add soy sauce and sugar, then blend well. Put this mixture in a bowl.
* Drain the cold water from the spinach. Squeeze out any excess water with your hands. Cut spinach into 3 cm. long pieces.
* Add the spinach to mixture (Step 5) and mix.

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