Adobong Tahong at Kangkong sa Gata Recipe

Adobong Tahong at Kangkong sa Gata


1/2c vinegar

1/3c soy sauce

3 garlic cloves, minced

1 pc finger chili

3 slices ginger

1 stalk leek sliced

1pc bay leaf

1/2 kilo cleaned tahong

1/4tsp black pepper corns

salt to taste

½ tsp turmeric powder

ajinomoto umami super seasoning

1c coconut cream

1c kangkong, sliced


1. In sauce pan, combine garlic cloves, ginger, vinegar and soy sauce.

2. Add the bay leaf, pepper corns, chili, turmeric salt and ajinomoto umami super seasoning.

3. Pour in the coconut cream then add in the tahong and simmer until the tahong opens and the sauce thickens.

4. Add the kangkong then cover the pan and simmer until the vegetable is cooked then serve.

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